Thursday, 1 May 2014

What to Pack when you are Visiting Your Chinese Woman

 Whether or not you’ve done a lot of traveling, if it’s your first time visiting China, there are a few additions and subtractions you will have to make to your “list of essentials” when packing for your trip. Unless you will be spending all your time in Beijing, Shanghai, or any other westernized Chinese city, you will have to channel your inner boy scout and come prepared.
 Clothing Essentials
If your clothes and shoes come in large or extra-large American or European sizes, or maybe even bigger, you should definitely bring as much of these as you can; these would include underwear and socks, of course.
If you can afford high-end products, then you would have no problem locating stores that sell these. Given that China has a relatively small middle-class population, however, merchandise that caters to this demographic is also small. Most likely, you would belong in this class, as most laowais in China do; so unless you want to wear poor quality garments and footwear that fall apart as soon as you hand over your payment, don’t pack lightly. Bring with you all the comfortable and decent-quality clothes that you can fit in your luggage.
Find out what the local climate is where you’re going; you may need to purchase seasonal clothing before you leave.

Personal Hygiene Products and Medicines.
The brands you usually use may not be readily available in China; you can order online through or, but China’s postal system is not very reliable and you may end up experimenting with Chinese brands with funny or disturbing labels in English. You can also check to see if they carry your brands, but you will have to pay using Chinese currency. Harder to find items include some brands of antiperspirant, cologne/perfume (especially if you have a favorite label/scent), mouthwash (often only available in big supermarkets), and dental floss.
Since medicines don’t take up too much space anyway, you might as well bring with you some generic brands for common ailments; but, generally, OTC pharmaceuticals are not hard to get in China.

Cooking Supplies
If you like to cook, and especially if you are staying for an extended period in China and want to be able to prepare your favorite dishes, you may also want to bring some essential herbs and spices, such as oregano, thyme, and basil. It may take some time, but with some luck and a lot of footwork, you may eventually find a supplier who’s local. It might be a good idea, too, to bring seeds/roots of herbs and spices that you can grow yourself.

Reading Materials
Books are bulky, yes, but stores that carry even the most widely printed English titles, as well as bestsellers, are far and few in between, unless you’re traveling to any of the big cities; those that carry genres and authors that are only popular in the west are even rarer. Again, ordering online is not highly recommended; but you can check ahead of time to see if they have the titles you want.

You should bring prints or photos in digital format saved in a flash drive, your laptop, or your phone, especially if you’ve going to China to visit your girlfriend/future wife and her family, and even more so if you would be living for a few years in China. Your special Chinese lady and her family will definitely appreciate your sharing of these cherished pictures with them. If you know other laowais that live in the area that you’re traveling to, ask them about the availability of these essential items, and the brands you use in particular. If you’re a member of a reputable Chinese dating site, build connections with other foreigners who are already in China who can give you tips and, perhaps, even play host and/or guide; or search the internet for online laowai communities.
Discover tons of great information about Chinese dating, Chinese women, and China travel at my blogs,

How to Get Ahead in China and Impress Your Special Chinese Woman

   Growing up, you were taught to be polite and to always wait your turn. But when you find yourself in China and doing everything you can to win points with your special Chinese lady, being a nice guy will get you nowhere fast... at least, when you’re only doing what your mother taught you and what any other well-mannered and sensible person would do and queueing when you’re supposed to.

Wake up and smell the lotus flowers, laowai! You’re in China now, and the Chinese don’t like following straight lines! If you ever want to get to the front of that line, purchase that bus ticket, and arrive at your destination in time to meet your Chinese girlfriend, you better start learning to stick out those elbows and do what every other Chinese around you is doing – and that is cutting in front of other people and not letting anybody cut in front of you!

It’s a skill the Chinese spend their life honing; this means you have to be more aggressive because you are up against hordes who have more experience nudging and elbowing their way to the front of the tangled mass of commuters. Where you would even get the idea that there was a line and that you were in it is a question you should ask yourself later (maybe when you’re finally on that bus and on your way to meeting your Chinese love).

You don’t even have to feel bad about cutting in front of a dozen other people who look like they’ve been there longer than you; they may look it, but it’s very likely that they also just cut in front of others who were “pushovers.” The Chinese are unapologetic about this particular behavior. Everybody else is doing it, so unless they don’t intend to ever get closer to their goal – which is the ticket booth – then they really have no choice but to push their way ahead. The same reasoning applies to you.

So don’t make the mistake of standing still. As soon as the person in front of you takes a step forward, or sideward (because he saw an opening or somebody else cut in front of him), occupy that space right away! If you’re too slow, another one will take that space that is supposed to take you closer to the front of the mob. You literally have to be always on your toes!

Speaking of toes, you may have to step on more than a few for you to successfully claim any open space as your own. Don’t worry; everybody else in the jumble of bodies with you knows what they got themselves into. They’re all used to having their toes stepped on as much as they’re used to stepping on other people’s toes and not really giving a second thought about it.

Again, stick those elbows out and stand with your feet firmly planted on the ground and as far apart from each other as your space will allow. This should keep others from successfully invading your space and taking it away from you, or squeezing in front of you. Always be on the defensive, and always be ready to move.

If you have backpack , you can also use this to push away or block people who will try to squeeze their way past you. Of course, don’t keep anything valuable in it because tight crowds are a pickpocket’s ideal environment. You can also wear your bag around your chest, instead of on your back, to keep it safer; worn this way, you can use it to push your way to the front.

Lastly, don’t lose your temper and simply bear the inconvenience and the seeming rudeness of everyone around you. You will have to be aggressive, yes, but you must also practice tolerance. Balancing these two, very different attitudes can be tricky, but becoming angry will get you nowhere closer to your goal. The only way to successfully forge ahead is with lots of patience and agility.

Okay, okay, the above is a bit of an exaggeration, but just the same fighting through a queue in China can be a nightmare, and there are times and places where will never get to the front of the line without following some of the advice just laid out here.

Discover tons of great information about living in China, Chinese dating and relationships, and Chinese women on

Learning the Art of Modesty Will Get you to be Closer with Chinese Women.

 Maybe it’s not just a cultural thing; maybe it’s also in their blood. The art of Chinese modesty can be very difficult to learn, much less master, even after many, many years of living amongst the self-effacing Chinese people. But learn just enough, and it will get you far in Chinese dating and increase your chances of marrying a Chinese woman tenfold!

Certainly, arrogance is rarely an effective approach to dating, regardless of one’s cultural background. Too much modesty, just the same, can also be perceived as dishonesty or just plain pathetic; and a Chinese lady will be equally turned off by both. So don’t lay it on too thick; it’s always safer to dole it out in moderate amounts, repeatedly if the situation calls for it, rather than make yourself appear totally worthless!

A very effective and easy trick is to lower people’s expectations from the get-go. If you have been in China long enough, then you would have already had your share of experiences with random Chinese approaching you to practice their English. More often than not, they will start off with a claim that their English is poor, and then they surprise you with their knowledge of some English slang and euphemisms! Well, two can play that game!

When you find a situation wherein you may have to demonstrate your Mandarin, Cantonese, or Pinyin skills, play the modest card first and claim that your Chinese is very poor. You can even start off haltingly, using only the most basic phrases. Of course, this is given that your Chinese is actually decent; if this is not the case, then there won’t be any harm done. You are just being honest! You can make the same claim about your cooking skills, especially if you’re cooking for your special Chinese lady!

may have also experienced having a compliment you gave dismissed repeatedly, when you are used to people in the west responding with a simple “Thank you.” This is just another form of self-effacement. So you have to be careful how you respond to a Chinese woman you’re dating saying that your Chinese and/or cooking skills are actually impressive. If you say “Thank you,” she may take this as arrogance. This time, you can play the bashful contradiction card by saying “Not at all,” or “I’m sure I could still use some more practice!”

When giving gifts, bragging is generally considered crass in most cultures. So play the humble card; say that it is only a small gift but you hope she (your Chinese dating prospect) will like it. When receiving gifts, on the other hand, you should refuse it two to three times first while saying that it is too generous, you don’t deserve it, she is/they are too kind, and/or you cannot accept it. After your second or third refusal, you can then humbly accept it, say thank you, and repeat your appreciation for their generosity.

Genuine and false modesty are both acceptable, and even considered polite, in Chinese culture. But, again, remember not to overdo it to avoid being viewed as insincere. You will also have to get used to responding to the people around when they demonstrate Chinese modesty. Most of the time, it’s a simple act of one person claiming or insisting on one thing, and the other claiming or insisting another. Once you get the hang of it, you can even have some fun with it – given of course that the person you’re interacting with is somebody you already have close relations with!

Young Chinese Women’s Dreams

  In China’s current economic atmosphere, young Chinese women do not just dream of finding a husband who can be a good provider. Nowadays, they dream of finding a well-paying and stable job in the city after graduation, becoming financially independent, and being able to support their parents and, perhaps, be able to buy a house. These young Chinese women (as well as men) start off very optimistic, with clear-cut plans for the future, and with strong determination to achieve their goals despite the knowledge that the going will be tough. They are ready to work hard to build a better life for themselves and their families. An article on the All-China Women’s Federation website tells the stories of some of these optimistic and hard-working young Chinese individuals who strive to make it in some of China’s cities. They have been nicknamed “McDulls,” after a cartoon character created in Hong Kong by Alice Mak and Brian Tse. McDull is a male pig with a heart of gold, a mind filled with dreams for a good future, and the will to fulfill these dreams. Take for example Liu Huan who, together with her boyfriend, has saved up enough to make a down payment for a small flat in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province’s capital city. Liu Huan is an English teacher and her boyfriend is a civil servant in the city. After four years of hard work, and despite the high cost living in Nanchang, they are now closer to their dream of owning their own house before getting married. Liu Huan believes that their hard work will pay off and they will get the life they want. “When we first got here, we had nothing but each other. But we are young and not afraid of hardship. We will give our future child a better living environment."
 Liang Meng is another hopeful with a modest family background and has “decided to put down roots” in the city of Nanchang. Every month, she receives a small attendance bonus for never being tardy for work. Every weekend, she works odd jobs to earn extra cash. She saves as much as she can, and even though she can’t go shopping or traveling, she’s still very happy with how her life has been progressing. She says, "You wouldn't understand the pride and happiness I feel when I hand some of my savings to my mom. Even though my life is not easy, I will be tough and keep going. I am confident about my future." These McDulls show a different and very admirable facet of the current generation of working Chinese. They have modest beginnings, with qualifications that are relatively unexceptional in a society that always pushes for nothing less than excellence; but they have their tireless perseverance and optimism to make up for their lack in certain other qualities, and the right priorities to keep them motivated. These Chinese women present a very stark contrast to those who were given better academic and career opportunities, but many of whom are just as hardworking and ambitious. These Chinese daughters also definitely prove that there are far more modern women of China who are unselfish and un-materialistic. Their less than ideal situations do not stop them from going after their goals, in the face of traditional expectations that are always hanging over their heads, of the highly competitive job and marriage markets, and the high cost of city living. This new generation of women may be nicknamed McDulls because they live unexceptional lives; but perhaps a more apt nickname would be “McDreamers” and “Go-get-them-girls.”.

6 ways to Attract Chinese women much Quicker

  Chinese girls are one of the most beautiful and prettiest in the world, so the draw attentions of many foreigners. It’s no wonder that many foreign men want to learn how to attract Chinese women. Then what is the best way to attract Chinese women? Let’s look at a few quick tips that make her take notice of you.

1. Try to Be funny
 In order to let Chinese women think that you are funny, you should show some good sense of humor and do not be too serious or prudish, but make sure not to be too goofy or too dorky. Too much cockiness would send an impression to the girl that you are being arrogant or insecure. Being funny is to let the girl feel happy with you.

2. Try to know a little about everything ahead
You should know how to play those popular games such as poker, mahjong, and know something about novels, comedy, TV plays, films. The reason they are fun and attractive is becauseit is  difficult to predict the ending. If you can guess the ending after watching a movie for 5 minutes, it must be the most boring one. Do not let the girl feel boring, and know a little about everything.

 3. Be adventurous
Just as a song goes “I want to accompany you to venture……” All girls dream of accompanying his men to do risk. Adventurous life is the most exciting and most romantic. All girls will scream at it. When get shocked in adventure, the girls will need a shoulder; it is time to see your performance.

 4. Give her compliments
Just like with most girls, Chinese females love  boys to compliment them about their looks and some other things. So if you want to know how to attract Chinese women, learn to compliment them from time to time, although you must avoid overdoing it and make sure that it comes out of your heart. Some boys just pretend to compliment the girl, I will tell you it is an aboslute mistake. Because you will be in real trouble when she finds out that you are lying.

 5. Be appropriately indifferent
It seems contrary to show concern and indifferent at the same time, but in fact they are two sides of a coin. Usually women like to get attentions from men, but some appropriate indifference will produce a fatal attraction for her, she will find many ways to show the charms to get your attention.

 6. Use your body
Your gestures, facial expressions and voice tone are all great tools. Say less and do more, for language undermines the atmosphere, what girls mostly wish is you know how to do before being told. Do not ask “Can I kiss you?” this problem is very silly. Watch her body language and see if she is ready.

Learning Mandarin makes it easier for you to date Chinese women.


  Mandarin still has a long way to go in terms of achieving international language status, but it is fast becoming one of the most popular foreign languages not only among China’s Asian neighbors, but also among westerners. Indeed, if you ever hope to be successful in your Chinese dating goals, you will have to put in the time and effort to learn one of the most difficult languages in the world. You do not have to be fluent in Mandarin, but you do have to have enough Mandarin language skills to communicate at the most basic level, and enough for your Chinese date to be pleased that you’re making an effort.

Considering the fact that countless foreign men are seeking their dream Chinese wife, being adept at communicating in Mandarin will definitely give you an edge in the Chinese dating scene. Even if you’ll only be travelling to China to visit your girlfriend and meet her family, knowing their language will be a huge help when you finally take that big leap toward marriage.

If you’ll be taking your Chinese wife back with you to your home country, speaking Mandarin will still make your marriage easier to manage, as well as make her feel less homesick. If your plans involve relocating to China, learning Mandarin is a necessity, even if your work will take you to Beijing, Shanghai, or other first-tier Chinese cities where English is widely spoken.

Being the world’s second largest economy, making a life in China, particularly in its most urbanized regions and with long-term plans in mind, can be a challenge financially. In order to succeed, you will have to have a stable and well-paying job. In order to do this in the face of tough competition, you will be far better off if you can speak the local tongue.

According to statistics, the largest group of foreigners from the west that is enthusiastic about learning Mandarin studies the language for work-related purposes. This group is closely followed by American-born and British-born Chinese (ABCs and BBCs) whose Chinese parents make them learn their native language. At the same time, many western parents who see China’s economic potential also make their young children learn Mandarin to give them a competitive edge so that they can take advantage of business and job opportunities in the Middle Kingdom when they are grown up.

Indeed, international interest in China has grown substantially enough that numerous schools in first-world and even developing nations have begun offering Chinese language classes to students, alongside French, German, and Spanish. Time magazine reported that there are now more than 2,500 colleges and universities in 100 countries and regions offering Chinese language classes.

There are plenty of books available that can help get you started on your Chinese language studies; there are also plenty of resources available online. Translation tools can do the work during the initial stages of Chinese dating, but sooner or later, you will have to meet your special Chinese lady and spend time with her; having a human translator with you may be acceptable in the beginning, but this will defeat the purpose of getting to know each other better.

It would be wise to start learning the language while you’re still online dating and before going to China. Many reputable online Chinese dating sites offer members excellent opportunities to hone their skills through valuable online communication tools; these sites also guarantee that the female Chinese members are trustworthy. Constant practice, after all, is still the best way to learn a new language.

Learning Chinese is a worthy investment in your relationship and your future, especially if you will be working and/or living for good in China. Knowing the language will not only make your Chinese dating experiences richer and easier, it will also enhance your immersion into Chinese life and culture.

Foreign men who seriously wish to find a Chinese wife should always keep abreast of current issues that affect today’s Chinese women. There are tons of great information about Chinese women, Chinese dating and relationships, visit

Have a successful Sexy Love Affairs with Chinese women.

  Living and working in China, in pursuit of one’s dream to have a Chinese wife and to start a new life, is a Chinese love affair not only between a foreign man and a Chinese woman, but also between a foreign man and Chinese society itself.

A foreigner’s relationship with China, much like any relationship he may have with a Chinese lady, can be culturally challenging, exciting, frustrating, and memorable at any given time. There are highs and lows, but he must learn to take the good with the bad if he is to live a meaningful and fruitful life in the Middle Kingdom. Much like the Chinese concept of yin and yang, he must find balance and promote harmony in his new life.

Indeed, China has a lot to offer those who come seeking new experiences, better opportunities, and even their long-desired Chinese love. At the same time, their new set of circumstances will always have that sense of foreignness; and there will be times when exposure to cultural stresses and other societal and environmental factors that they’re not used to will get to them or when they will feel more strongly than usual being an outsider and not belonging to the community.
For instance, foreigners who live in China’s first-tier cities, such as Beijing or Shanghai, often enjoy the cosmopolitan feel of these areas; the availability of western comforts and luxuries; the opportunity to live both a lifestyle very similar to what they left behind and one that is also culturally different enough to make every single day a new adventure.
That is only one side of the coin, however. The opposite side brings with it challenging experiences that include breathing in smog for which these cities have become infamous; risking their life everyday when they step out of their house and into the streets congested with honking and speeding cars driven by reckless drivers; and not knowing if the food they’re buying from a street vendor, at a restaurant, or at the market is safe to eat.

Sure, the cities also offer excellent Chinese dating opportunities, especially with women with modern sensibilities. A foreign man can easily make a good living in any one of China’s urban centers and also start a family with the Chinese love of his life. Especially because foreign men are often given preferential treatment in the country, and their earning capacity is also often higher, they can afford to provide a fairly comfortable and a very secure life for their family.

Aside from the modern comforts and great job opportunities, though, the quality of life in a Chinese city is not the most ideal to raise a family. While preferential treatment is usually favorable for the foreign man, albeit unfair to the locals, unfavorable treatment is just as typical. No matter how long you have lived in China, even if he speaks the language adequately enough and/or married into a Chinese family, he will always be a foreigner, an outsider.

Then again, every time a foreign man finds himself bemoaning the difficult life in China or the challenges of being in a cross-cultural relationship, he must also remind himself of the many good reasons, both big and small, why he chose to begin a new life in the Middle Kingdom and why he feels that a Chinese woman makes the most ideal life partner. He must also remember the reasons why he left his old life; because, at the end of the day, he did trade his old life, one that he found unsatisfying and unhappy, for a new one in a society whose rich culture he has always admired, whose people he has always respected, and for the dream of finding his true Chinese love.

To get started on your Chinese love affair and to discover the many ways that a foreign man can experience China, as well as about interesting and valuable information about Chinese dating and relationships, Chinese women, and life in China, visit my blog,

Chinese Women's Shopping behaviours could reflect their Dating attitude.

  It’s not too much of a stretch to say that shopping and dating are very similar activities. Dating is, after all, akin to “shopping” for a boyfriend or husband. For many single, working Chinese women, their increased spending power has(unsurprisingly) given rise to “blind consumerism,” partly as a result of the fact that shopping does give women a certain high; and also partly as a result of the Chinese concept of face. It is the latter that also drives many Chinese women’s attitudes toward dating and husband-hunting.

According to a comparative survey of women’s attitudes, titled ““Women, Power & Money,” conducted by public relations firm FleishmanHillard, and which included women from the U.S., U.K., France, Germany, and China: compared to 35 percent of American women, 68 percent of Chinese women surveyed said like to compare items when shopping online using their tablet or smartphone; 53 percent said the wide variety of shopping options make them feel overwhelmed; and they are very concerned about the quality and safety of the products they buy. (Source:

As much as Chinese women have the tendency to buy compulsively, they are also very mindful of what they purchase. This is actually consistent with their preference for reliable, high-quality, luxury brands. For the most part, this preference is closely associated with their preoccupation with status symbols or, as it is known in China, the concept of face.

Given their very busy work lives, combined with the demands of modern life and their filial duty to find a good husband, online dating is also the preferred and most popular method used by modern, working Chinese women. How many of these women select their mate reflects not just the incessant and heavy pressure to do so as quickly as possible and to choose properly as traditions dictate it; it is also influenced by the Confucian concept of face.

Chinese women not only have to find a husband before a certain age; the candidate must also meet certain standards, otherwise their families will lose face. Not being married when they’re already 27 or older also causes their families to lose face.

  The aforementioned survey also asked the participants about the level of satisfaction they have in their marriages. Among the five countries surveyed, Chinese women were the most unsatisfied with their married life. Only 37 percent of the Chinese respondents said that they “feel very fortunate” to have their spouse/partner in their life, and only 20 percent said that their spouse/partner is the “ideal companion” they have always dreamed about.

Perhaps if these Chinese survey respondents were also more mindful of how they chose their partner, the same way that they are mindful when shopping online, and instead of getting married because traditions dictated it and so as not to lose face, then they would be happier in their married life. At the same time, they must not only look for quality in terms of a man’s financial worth; they must give greater consideration to what a man is really made of and if he fits into their life.

While online shopping may be a lot like online dating, and shopping as an activity is very similar to hunting for a husband, Chinese women must learn to have the right attitude and priorities when looking for a life partner. Unlike shopping for items which can be returned or exchanged, or even given away, a husband is supposed to be a companion for life. Many women of China still date to marry, not just to have fun, but they do have to find the right motivations if they ever hope to find happiness in their marriage. Gaining face will not give them that.

A foreign man looking for a Chinese woman to marry would do well to learn as much as he can about the relevant issues affecting today’s Chinese woman. He can find invaluable information on the blogs, forums, and magazines, such as where foreign men can find their Chinese women and share their life experiences and bare their souls to give you the real goods on love, cross-cultural relationships, and all things Chinese.

The hunt for a Beautiful Chinese Wife

  It is certainly the height of irony when a society that has always had a traditional preference for sons now has a desperate need for more daughters. Coupled with the country’s one-child policy, China is now facing an alarming surplus in single men; in a society that values marriage and family above everything else, having millions of unmarried men certainly poses a serious challenge to some of its beliefs and practices. As a result, the hunt for a suitable Chinese wife has become an increasingly difficult task.

The amazing growth of China’s economy has certainly improved the lives of a huge percentage of its population. But as in most powerful economies, the distribution of wealth also becomes increasingly skewed over time. For the countless, single men of China who struggle from one paycheck to the next, the traditional standards against which a “good husband” is measured practically doom them to a life of bachelorhood.

On the other end of the spectrum, unmarried rich men can have their pick of an ideal Chinese wife. In fact, all they have to do is pay for the professional services of an agency whose business is to find and collect potential partners based on their client’s specifications and personal preferences.

Indeed, China’s shortage in women has created plenty of business opportunities in the country’s marriage market. In addition to the boom in the Chinese online dating industry, the more “traditional” business of matchmaking has also evolved to meet modern demands.

For example, there are now dating agencies that exclusively cater to the needs of male multi-millionaires and billionaires looking for a suitable Chinese wife. They pay an exorbitant annual membership fee to have so-called professional love hunters do the footwork and literally go on the hunt for single, Chinese women that meet their requirements.

These requirements often include a master’s degree from a reputable university; being a certain age; having white, flawless skin; having a certain height and weight; some even demand a wife that looks like a Chinese model or actress that they admire.

The very high demand for a Chinese wife leaves many more, single, working-class men with very poor prospects, or no prospects at all. Traditional standards mean that a husband must be able to provide his wife and family with a stable income, a house, and, sometimes, even a car. But for most of these less privileged bachelors, just supporting themselves is already a daily struggle.

With the cost of living in China, especially in the cities, becoming too high for the bigger part of the country’s population to afford, many single men face the very dire reality that they may never be good enough and earn and save enough to find a Chinese woman to marry.

And then there are those single men in China’s rural areas for whom being single for life is a choice that was already made for them. The greatest human migration in history – that of hundreds of millions of rural Chinese migrating to the urban areas – involved single-journey tickets for most rural Chinese women whose plans included finding a well-paying job and a good husband and building a new life in the city. This means that the pool of women eligible for marriage in the countryside became even smaller and the competition for a good Chinese wife became even fiercer for the many men left behind.

The Chinese dating and marriage markets now also have foreign men jumping into the fray, propelling the demand for a Chinese wife even higher, and these foreign men have an advantage of being able to offer a different, and perhaps better, way of life. This gives them an edge, especially regarding Chinese ladies approaching their thirties or older. With so many single, good men competing for them, Chinese daughters who were the less preferred children can now have the last laugh.

Foreign men who seriously wish to find a Chinese wife should always keep abreast of current issues that affect today’s Chinese women. There are tons of great information about Chinese women, Chinese dating and relationships, visit

Top 3 Irresistible Characteristics of Chinese Women.

Irresistible Characteristics of Chinese Women Exert a Pull on Western Men.


Why innumerable White men are interested in learning how to date Chinese girls? How come every year an increasing number of Brits, Americans, Canadians, Australians men locations are getting married to Chinese girls?
Well, the physical beauty of these women is unbeatable. Their petite, toned figures, shiny black hair and poise with which they walk, is all what every white man longed for. These girls boast divine beauty and their sharp features attract everyone. Then, there is the “shy innocence” that Chinese women beauties are self-sufficient have. It makes a man extremely curious to know more about them. Moreover, it is a big turn-on to deem that under that shy shell, lies a passionate sexual side that is waiting to be unleashed.
Chinese beauties are self-sufficient, smart, strong and opinionated. These girls make a man feel the way he is supposed to. Moreover, desiring to Chinese chicks is not at all any weird 'fetish', nor does it show that you are in any form unable/deficient to handle a relationship with a girl of your own race.
There are a number of legitimate reasons, why white guys are drawn towards Chinese women. In this article, you will find the top five reasons.

1. They are physically appealing and sexy
The flawless skin; toned bodies; exotic Oriental features and silky hair add up to the combination that most western men find irresistible. Moreover, it also worthy to note that the Chinese face, because of the way it is made, shows less emotion as compared to the faces of Caucasians. This makes these girls “harder to read” as compared to Caucasian girls, who are known to express their feelings continuously.
In this manner, this renders a sense of “mystery” to Chinese hotties, and this intensifies their allure because men are turned on by the “thrill of the hunt.”
These girls are outstanding homemakers and take immense pride in managing the household
A home run by a Chinese woman is always going to be organized and clean. The meals will be prepared with love and care.

2. They tend to be quite approachable
Even the prettiest Chinese girls are easier to approach as compared to Western girls; they like to be flirted with, too. It is mind blasting to stroll via a big shopping mall in city like Bangkok...because innumerable beautiful, young girls will smile at you when you make eye contact with them. It is true, Chinese girls are more “shy” as compared to Western girls, but this is just at first. When you know the right way to interact with them, their shy exterior will quickly burst away and they will be highly warm and friendly.

3. These Girls place zenith value on relationships and possess unconditional love for their family
It is a well-known fact that Chinese girls are very close to their families and place giant importance on their relationships with the family members. This, generally, extends to their feelings towards the boy they date. When you select the right Chinese girl to date or marry, you can expect her to be extremely loyal to you. She will never do anything that can damage the relationship shared by you two. Having this kind of devoted mate tends to bring out the best in you – as a man.


Top 4 things that Chinese women keeps western men happy.


  Have you always possessed an inexplicable thing for Chinese women? These women are exotic, have silky-straight black hair, petite, fair and beauty that is simply intoxicating. Most western men fantasize about dating these girls because they are unbearably gorgeous, but there are many other reasons too.
Read on to find what makes these Chinese singles hotties so special that an increasing number of western males are craving to date and marry them?

Strong Sexual Attractiveness
The long shinning hair, oriental face, toned body and enchanting eyes make Chinese women exotic and distinctive. These women possess beauty that no man can resist. Opposed to western women, the Chinese face seems to convey less emotions and expressions, and this adds a touch of mystery to their beauty. The air of mystery and unpredictability make these hotties temptingly alluring to white men.

Their Life Revolves Around their Family
Owing to the customs and culture, most girls from China place great priority to their families. Once she admits that you are the right life partner for her then, she will remain loyal to you till eternity and will do all in her means to keep the relationship happy and healthy.

Chinese girls are Excellent Homemakers
In case, you marry a Chinese woman, you will never need to be concerned about the household. She can provide you with a neat and well-organized home. Most of these girls have learned household duties since their childhood so that they can take immense pride in providing their husband and kids a healthy atmosphere in house.

They Make a Man Feel like a Real Man
This is the major reason why innumerable men feel compelled to be with Chinese singles. The pristine femininity of these girls motivates a man to play the masculine part in the relationship, and she adores him for that. These women allow men to feel like masculine beings – the way they were born. Moreover, they love men for their manliness, rather than making them suppress it. Men are lured to women, who embody femininity and want them to be their protectors; hence, they naturally mesh with these women because they want a man who is strong and able to protect them.
This is one prominent reason why white men are so compatible with Chinese girls


How to seduce Chinese women more easily


Why are innumerable white men attracted to Chinese girls?
Is it their glowing skin and shinny hair, their toned bodies or is it their picture-perfect smiles?
Or is it the fact that they are very loyal and loving partners....Or is it their sweet and amiable demeanour?

Whatever it is, which makes Chinese women super-special, you cannot deny the fact that you are extremely attracted to them and you would love to have a fling with them, have a relationship with them or even marry them. However, trying to lure or even talk to a Chinese girl can be quite a tough ordeal if you do not know what you are actually doing. The cultural differences alone can make it almost impossible to know what all to say without embarrassing, offending or scaring the Chinese girl you like. This article, however, points out some 'insider' secrets that unleash exactly how to approach Chinese beauties for the first time and to make them interested in you instantly.
Chinese girls may seem like a mystery to Western men, who have not tried dating them before. It is a fact that Chinese hotties have a very different perspective towards dating and a unique outlook on relationships. This does not mean that these women are some different species altogether; however, their rich cultural heritage does make them quite different in their way of behaviour and life.
Read on to know the tactics to seduce Chinese girls

Utilizing cultural differences in alluring Chinese girls:
If you are a white guy and want to know how to attract Chinese chicks, you will need to become culturally aware of any disparities that may crop up in an interracial relationship. Learning the ways to seduce these girls may entail more effort compared to alluring Western women, for example, they would expect you to respect their traditions and their culture. In addition, if you make any cultural mistake during a date, you can ruin your chances with her – just remember that.

Be Polite in your conduct:

You must ensure you do not seem too brash or too forward, and pay close heed to how she does things in her home and then, act accordingly.
Do not talk about what you think of girls with Chinese descent:
When introducing yourself to a pretty Chinese girl, try not to talk about what you think of girls with Chinese descent. In fact, you must never ever mention how beautiful you think Chinese girls are or you can kiss that girl goodbye right away. Even if you believe you are just shelling out a compliment, most Chinese girls will not interpret things that way.

Simply be rid of Chinese stereotypes:
Another important thing to remember while knowing the ways to lure Chinese girls is to forget all stereotypes associated with them. You are not going to have a personal geisha by dating a Chinese beauty. Although movies often portray these women as exotic dancers, peasants and geishas, you must never expect to a meet one in the reality. In fact, in this way you are surely setting yourself up for a complete failure.

Sensitivities and learn how to avoid them:
To be on the good side of a Chinese girl, you must try to learn their culture as well as learn various interesting facts about their culture. Some groundwork can really take you long way in terms of looking intelligent and inquisitive in the eyes of your Chinese date.

Making use of mind hack tactics in order to seduce Chinese girls:
Another thing you must learn in order to attract Chinese women is to know about 'fractionation' and ways to utilize it on your dates. These girls happen to be particularly vulnerable to conversational hypnosis traits, thus, 'fractionation' would be extremely powerful when utilized on them and there are extremely high chances that Chinese girl you love will fall for you in just 10 minutes afterwards.
The fact is these secrets can provide you with the unfair advantage to alluring, dating and romancing a hot Chinese woman.

How to make Chinese woman yours to keep.


 How do you attract an Asian woman if you're an Asian or not? The principles of attracting women in general are important during any courtship - and making sweeping generalizations about people based on race isn't likely to get you very far, in the dating world or elsewhere. Be genuine, and put your best foot forward to help you attract your ideal lady.

  1. Stay humble. You may be a confident guy, and many women are attracted to alpha males. But when it comes down to it, nobody likes it when others act superior around them. Tone down that cockiness to attack a partner, and focus on her instead of yourself.
  2. Always be busy and have cool activities around the clock. Being industrious and hard working is traditionally appreciated in Asian cultures, and beyond that is generally impressive for all people. When the lady you're interested in sees you're always on the go, she will find it intriguing.
  3. Get to know her friends and loved ones. Be open to stepping into her circle and getting to know her family and friends. Be polite and open with them, and show her that you can be an asset to her social circle as well as a potential romantic partner.
  4. Learn about her culture - respectfully. Don't assume that a woman of Asian descent adheres to certain cultural traditions; having Asian heritage doesn't mean that she conforms to particular stereotypes or even embraces particular traditions. If there are aspects to her habits, lifestyle, or culture that you're not familiar with, ask her about them in an interested, supportive, and respectful way - get to know what matters to her.
    • It's also important to read her cues if she doesn't want to delve into discussing her heritage. Just because someone has a particular ancestry doesn't mean they feel a deep connection to that country's traditions (ancient or modern-day). Your potential partner may feel much more connected to the culture of her current nation of residence than her nation of ethnicity or heritage.
  5.  Don't be pushy or overaggressive. You have to build intrigue and encourage your potential partner to come to you. Be available, but don't be pushy or off-puttingly needy. Be confident and relaxed.
  6. Be wary of public displays of affection. You don't want to assume that she'll be completely okay with PDA; this holds true for all women, of any culture - follow her cues. When you flirt with her maybe a quick nudge or hug is okay, but don't make her uncomfortable by being too forward. Again, be chill, relaxed, and appealing, in an effort to encourage her to reach out to you.

6 Facts about Chinese Women


 Chinese women, known for their special qualities as traditional, family-oriented, faithful, considerate and tolerant, are splendid choice when western gentlemen look for a life partner. You might have experience of using dating service provided by other matchmaking sites, and you have many reasons to choose Chinese lady as your wife. Still, you might meet with difficulties or problems during your communication with the lady. In this case, it is very important to know some facts about Chinese ladies.

1. Chinese ladies are very traditional and conservative
Even nowadays, the ladies are still conservative about online communication. They do not know how to communicate with a gentleman from abroad and build up a relationship. They are afraid of losing a true love because of not knowing what to say at proper time. Through a third party (the agencies), they can ask for some advices and feel more easy in a relationship. In this case, you may not request your lady for direct communication in first few emails. Until trust and mutual understanding is built up, the lady will be glad to communicate with directly and open her heart for you.

2. Chinese ladies are very faithful and family-oriented

Chinese ladies are very loyal and faithful to their husband and families. It is worthy to try your best to show your sincerity and make her believe you are the best choice for her. For example, care for more what happen to her in daily life, and if she met some difficulty in work, and how about her families. Until she decides you are the one for her, true love and happiness is not so far.

3. Chinese ladies are very soft and considerate

Chinese ladies are always willing to share their beloved's pressure and sorrow. If you are having difficulty or trouble in life and work, please don't be afraid to share it with your lady. If you care for each other, she is always ready to give you encouragement, comfort and support, and see it as an honor to be your significant other. Don't run away and hide your weakness from your beloved lady, she will be worried about you and getting upset if you do not have enough trust in her.

4. Chinese ladies are very virtuous and tolerant

Chinese ladies are very courteous, feminine, and tolerant. They do not like to challenge, argue or quarrel with anyone for trivial things. And they can easily put down your anger whenever there is a misunderstanding. But Chinese ladies do not like to be distrusted just like any woman in this world. Love is based on trust and sincerity. Please do not question whether she was communicating with others. Once she decides you are the one for her, the other gentlemen are not in her eyes. Also, please do not let her know you are writing or meeting several ladies at the same time. In front of love, every woman is easy to get jealous.

5. Chinese ladies give more value to the marriage

Compared with the Western ladies, Chinese ladies give more value to the marriage itself instead of its quality. They are more willing to overcome their difficulties or even live with the difficulties in marriage. Marriage is a very serious matter for Chinese ladies. So please do not make any commitment, give promise or ask for immediate response in early communication. Let time and further understanding test your sincerity and love for each other.  

6. Chinese ladies tend to worry about tomorrow rather than to enjoy today

Chinese ladies are willing to work hard and save money for rainy days, as the memory of old hard lives still remain. She might ask your financial conditions in first few letters. A good quality of life is foundation of the marriage. The ladies want to find a husband to love and to be loved. At the same time, they also hope to live a happy life together with their husband. Sometimes a better life doesn’t mean money and a house, but rather spiritual nourishment.